Friday, November 29, 2024

Project Technical Support Walk in at PGIDS Rohtak


Applications are invited from Indian citizens for the following contractual post under ICMR funded Project code entitled “Generate Medical Imaging Datasets (MIDAS) for tobacco induced oral lesions to enhance research in health in India” under the PI Dr, Mala Kamboj in the department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology at PGIDS, Rohtak, Haryana. 

Duration of Project: 3 years 

Position Name Number Emolument Qualification 

Project Technical Support III 1 (One) 28,000/- + HRA- as admissible 

Essential Qualification: 

• Age should be less than 30 years on the last date of application 

• Post graduate in Oral Pathology and Microbiology/ Oral Medicine and Radiology or BDS with 3 years research experience 

General Terms and Conditions: 

1. The candidates must come with 2 passport size photographs, all original documents and one set of photocopies of relevant document for interview. 
2. The above posts are temporary and terminable on one month notice from either side. 
3. The duration (tenure) of project is three years. Appraisal of the performance will be done every six months for further extension of the job. 
4. Selection will be based on pre merit and interview. 
5. The work and conducts of all shall be evaluated per month. 
6. Experience in association with research project will be preferable. 
7. Computer knowledge of entering medical data is mandatory. Fluency in English is essential. 
8. Place of work will be Department of Oral Pathology, PGIDS, Rohtak and can be sent for dental camps if the need arises. 
9. GCP certification is mandatory for the post, which can be done after interview and selection for the post as well. 10. Interested candidates may e-mail their updated CV complete in all respects along with detailed and research experience at as a single PDF file and also fill in the google form
11. The last date for application submission is 01/12/2024 and applications submitted thereafter will not be considered. 
12. Eligibility will be confirmed a day prior \to the interview via email only. No telephonic call will be made. 
13. Only eligible candidates who have received the interview call in the Email will be entertained on the day of interview. 
14. Physical interview of the screened candidate will be held on 09/12/2024 at 11.30 am in the Committee room first floor, Dental College, (PGIDS) Rohtak. 
15. Selected candidates need to join within one week from the date of result.
More Info:

Thursday, November 28, 2024



Council of Scientific and Industrial Research 
Extramural Research Division-I 
CSIR Complex, Library Avenue 
New Delhi -110 012 

Advertisement No. - 2024/SRFRA/1, Date: 27/11/2024) 


The Human Resource Development (HRD) Group of COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH (CSIR), New Delhi, provides opportunities to bright young men and women in the form of direct Senior Research Fellowships (SRFs) and Research Associateships (RAs) for training in methods of research under the expert guidance of faculty members/scientists working in universities, laboratories and institutes of Government Departments and recognised laboratories of industry in various fields of science and technology. The Fellowships/Associateships are tenable in all the universities and deemed universities /IITs/ postgraduate colleges/government research establishments, including CSIR, R&D establishments of recognised public sector, industrial firms and other recognised institutions. Only Indian citizens are eligible for the award. The award is for fixed tenure and does not imply any assurance or guarantee for subsequent employment by CSIR to the beneficiary. CSIR reserves the right to determine the place of work in India best suited to provide necessary facilities in the areas of science and technology in which the awardee is to specialize. Selected Fellows and Associates must devote their full time to the approved research programs. Fellows and Associates cannot take up any other remunerative jobs/assignments during their tenure. 

Apply Online from 28th Nov to 31th Dec 2024 at 


ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: MSc/BE/B. Tech or equivalent degree with at least 55% marks and one publication in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal and should have completed at least two years of postMSc/BE/B. Tech research experience as on the last date of application, as evidenced from fellowship/ associateship or from date of registration for Ph.D. OR 
M.Tech/ME or equivalent degree in engineering/technology with at least 60% marks. OR BE/B. Tech or equivalent degree with at least 60% marks and two years of research experience as on the last date of application. OR 
MBBS/BDS or equivalent with at least 60% marks and one-year internship. OR BPharm/BVSc/BSc (Ag) or equivalent degree with at least 55% marks and one publication in SCI Journal and should have completed at least three years of research experience as on the last date of application, evidenced from fellowship/associateship or from date of registration for Ph.D. OR 
MPharm/MVSc/MSc (Ag)/MPhil or equivalent degree with at least 55% marks and one publication in SCI Journal and should have at least one year research experience as on the last date of application, evidenced from fellowship/associateship or from date of registration for PhD. Documents supporting the research, teaching experience (not below the undergraduate level), and Ph.D. registration should be submitted online. Those who have been awarded PhD/MD/MS/MDS degrees or have submitted their thesis for the award of PhD/MD/MS/MDS degrees are not eligible for the position of SRF. Those who are eligible for RA will not be considered for SRF. 

EMPLOYED CANDIDATES: These fellowships are held on a full-time basis. Therefore, simultaneous employment elsewhere is not permitted. However, those desirous of pursuing higher studies but employed presently, whether temporary or permanent, may apply with an undertaking that, if selected, they will resign from the job before taking up the fellowship. The application will be rejected if the undertaking is not provided. 

STIPEND AND TENURE: Rs. 42000/- per month during the entire tenure of fellowship or date of PhD viva-voce, whichever is earlier. In addition, each SRF will receive a contingent grant of a maximum of Rs. 20,000/-p.a. SRF will be tenable initially for a maximum of two years or depending upon the fellowship tenure already availed. The term is extendable by one year on the basis of an assessment of the progress already made as judged by a three-member assessment committee. Those who have held or are holding equivalent fellowships awarded under various schemes of all India grant-giving agencies such as DST, DBT, ICMR, UGC, ICAR, etc., may apply subject to the condition that the total tenure inclusive of CSIR fellowship shall not exceed three years. Those who have already availed, or would have availed by 31st December 2024, JRF for 5 years or SRF for 3 years from any source need not apply. The combined tenure of JRF and SRF will not exceed five years. SRF will be terminated from the date of PhD viva voce or completion of tenure, whichever is earlier. Those who are already holding equivalent fellowship should specify the reason for applying. The application is likely to be rejected if the reason is not specified. 


ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: PhD (in science or engineering subject) or MD/MS/MDS (in medical science subject) or ME/MTech/MPharm/MVSc with three years R&D experience as on the last date of application, evidenced from fellowship or associateship or from date of registration of PhD. PhD (science/engineering) thesis submitted is also eligible for RA’ship. Selection in such cases will be subject to the condition that PhD viva-voce is done & declared qualified for the award of PhD/awarded PhD degree before the expiry of the validity of the award offer. The candidate applying for a Research Associateship must have at least one research publication in a standard refereed journal as listed in Journal Citation Reports (JCR). Employed candidates, whether temporary or permanent, and also those who have already availed higher fellowships/associateships like Senior Research Associateships, etc., will not be considered for RAship. 

STIPEND: The stipend of RA will be ₹ 58,000 for the entire tenure: In addition, each RA will receive a contingent grant of a maximum of Rs. 20,000/-p.a. 

TENURE: RA will be tenable initially for one year. It may be extended further annually at the discretion of CSIR based on the three-member assessment committee report. The total tenure of RA is fixed for 3 years. Those who have availed or are holding equivalent Associateships under various schemes of All-India grant-giving agencies such as DST, DBT, ICMR, UGC, ICAR, etc., may apply subject to the condition that the total tenure of RA, including that of CSIR, shall not exceed three years. Those who have already availed equivalent grants of any kind for three years shall not apply.


AGE LIMIT: Senior Research Fellow (SRF) : Maximum 32 years as on the last date of application. Research Associate (RA) : Maximum 35 years as on the last date of application. Upper age limit is relaxable by five years for SC/ST/Physically handicapped and women candidates and three years in case of OBC (non-creamy layer) applicants. 

SELECTION PROCEDURE FOR SRF/RA: Selection will be made through interviews of candidates short-listed based on their academic records, experience, research publications, and assessment of proposed research work by discipline-wise high-level expert committees. The SC/ST candidates called for interview will be paid single second-class rail/bus fare to and fro by the shortest route from the station mentioned in the address for correspondence given in the online application form, from (within India) to the place of interview on production of documentary proof as per rule in force. Merely fulfilling the essential qualifications will not entitle a candidate to be called for an interview. CSIR reserves the right to call or not to call a candidate for interview. 

D. CANDIDATES APPLYING UNDER ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (ENVIRON/ 32): Only those candidates desirous of working on one of the following broad topics may apply under the Code ENVIRON / 32: 
• Principles and scope of Environmental Sciences, Ecosystems, Pathways in Ecosystems, Physicochemical and biological factors in the environment, etc. 
• Structure and composition of atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere, mass and energy transfer across various interfaces. Scale of meteorology, pressure, temperature, precipitation, humidity, radiation and wind and atmospheric stability etc. 
• Environmental chemistry, chemical composition of air, water chemistry, soil chemistry, toxic chemicals in environment, air pollution, climate change, etc. 
• Biodiversity and its conservation; microflora of atmosphere; environmental biotechnology, endangered and threatened species; environmental genomics; environmental health, environmental virology, environmental impact and risk assessment, environmental materials, etc. 
• Environmental geosciences- earth systems and biosphere; earth’s processes and geological hazards, mineral resources and environment, water resources and environment, land use planning, environmental geochemistry, etc. 
• Solar radiation and its spectral characteristics, fossil fuels; physic-chemical characteristics and energy content of coal, petroleum and natural gas; principles of generation of hydroelectric power, geothermal energy, bioenergy- energy from biomass and biogas, etc. 
• Solid and Hazardous waste management, waste water technology and management, etc. Candidates applying under this code should have essential qualification as applicable to other codes. 

E. CANDIDATES APPLYING UNDER SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY STUDIES (STS / 71): Only those candidates desirous of working on one of the following broad topics may apply under Code STS/71: 
• R & D Management (Planning, Priorities, Evaluation, Social and Economic Impact, etc.) 
• Intellectual Property laws, Policies, Management and evaluation, etc. 
• Technology forecasting, Assessment and Management; 
• Policies, Programmes, and approaches for innovation policies, promotion instruments and management; 
• S & T Policies, Programmes and interface with global economic agenda. 
• S & T interface with Society, Polity and Production sectors. 
• Studies on Technological Change in the Production Sectors. 
• Studies on mobility of S & T professionals: Demands, Trends, Impact, etc. 
• Studies on International competitiveness of Indian S & T. 
• Societal impact in the open economy era. Subject code should be carefully selected (given in Appendix I), and it should be directly related to past education & experience and future areas of study. Identification of irrelevant code or code not matching the proposed research topic may lead to the rejection of the application. Candidates applying under this code should have essential qualifications as applicable to other codes, with the exception that a degree at the master's level can also be in management, social sciences, commerce, etc. 

F. CANDIDATES APPLYING UNDER TRANS-DISCIPLINARY (TDR / 81): The objective of fellowship/associateship in the transdisciplinary area is to encourage research in new and emerging areas where boundaries between disciplines are transcended and knowledge and perspectives from different disciplines are integrated. Transdisciplinary research brings together two or more disciplines to generate new knowledge through collaborations outside the limits of one’s own discipline. Candidates applying under this code should have essential qualifications as applicable to other codes. Application received under this code and not having any Trans disciplinary component in the proposed research topic may lead to rejection of the application. Subject code should be carefully selected (given in Appendix I), and it should be directly related to past education & experience and future areas of study. Identification of irrelevant code or code not matching the proposed research topic may lead to the rejection of the application. 

INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CANDIDATES The candidates should carefully read these instructions before submitting their applications: 
i. A candidate can apply in only one subject code. The code number of the subject should be carefully selected (given in Appendix I) and indicated against the appropriate column. It should be directly related to past education, experience, and future area of study. Identification of irrelevant code or code not matching the proposed research topic may lead to the rejection of the application. No change of code would be permitted after submission of the online application. Details from the time of obtaining the qualifying degree till the last date of application should be mentioned clearly in column 19 of the application form. An unaccounted period, if any, may lead to rejection. 
ii. All the necessary documents, i.e. office orders supporting the research experience mentioned in column 19 of the application form and proof of PhD registration, should be attached. Otherwise, the application will be rejected. No testimonial will be accepted as proof of research experience. 
iii. Candidates should be prepared to produce an original certificate, PhD registration, research experience (office orders), reprints & letter(s) of acceptance about papers under publication, NET, and GATE certificate at the time of interview and later when required. 
iv. Applications will be processed on the basis of information provided in the online application. (If the information given in the application form does not match with the originals at the time of verification of documents, the candidate may not be allowed to appear for the interview). 
v. Those who have already applied three times and not called or not selected need not to apply. 
vi. The date of the interview will not be changed on request from candidates. 
vii. Misrepresentation or hiding of facts shall lead to disqualification. 
viii. Every effort is made by CSIR to have committees with wide-ranging expertise, however, complaints of rejection on this account will not be entertained by CSIR. 
ix. The decision of CSIR on all matters, including calling for interview, selection, recommendation, placement, etc., shall be final. No correspondence in the matter will be entertained. 
x. The research supervisor should not be the blood relative. xi. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification. No interim enquiries will be attended too. There is no application fee. 


1) Candidates need to apply online only. 
2) Candidates need to register themselves before applying online. 
3) Candidates are requested to carefully review the detailed advertisement and CSIRHRDG website before filling out the online application form to know the eligibility criteria, prerequisites, and important online application instructions. 
4) Read the FAQ section on the application portal to get answers to commonly asked questions/queries. 
5) Only one application per candidate will be accepted by the system. 
6) Give your correct/working email ID, as all further correspondence will be through email and CSIR - HRDG will not be responsible for any communication not received due to an incorrect email ID. 
7) To avoid a last-minute rush, candidates are advised to apply early and on time. CSIR will not be responsible for the network or any other such problems. No extension on the closing date will be given. 
8) Once the application form is filled up, please save/submit it within 40 minutes; otherwise, your session will expire, and you will need to re-login. 
9) Candidates should keep ready the below documents as per given specifications. (a) Photo (b) Signature (c) Age proof (DOB Certificate) (d) Combined document: Qualifying degree + grade to % conversion certificate, if any + PhD registration / submission/ award proof (e) Caste certificate, if applicable then it is mandatory (f) PwD certificate, if applicable, then it is mandatory (g) Experience certificate (which includes fellowship/associateship OMs) and Employed candidates have to submit duly signed undertaking for leaving the job if get selected for the fellowship/associateship (h) Combined document: Duly signed and stamped declaration and undertaking form by the candidate, supervisor, and Head of the institution (The format is available at + testimonials + Research Proposal (i) Combined document: First page of maximum 3 best research Papers in a single pdf, if applicable. Photo: Format - JPEG/JPG, dimension – 130x160 to 260x320, file size less than 150KB; Signature: Format - JPEG/JPG, dimension – 90X25 to 225x100, file size less than 150KB. Documents: The documents should have a .pdf extension only, file size less than 400KB. Valid Filename: Should have only one extension, only Alpha-Numeric characters allowed with a hyphen (-) and underscore (_), space not allowed, the File extension should be in small letters. (Ex. msc degree (❌), mscdegree (✓), msc_degree (✓), msc-degree (✓)). 

More Info:

Friday, November 22, 2024

JRF, RA and Scientist at Gujarat Biotechnology Research Centre


6th Floor, M. S. Building, Sector-11, 
Gandhinagar-382011, Gujarat. 

Advertisement. No: GBRC/Recruitment/2024/03 

Gujarat Biotechnology Research Centre invites applications from the interested deserving candidate for the post of PS III (01), RA (12), PAO (01), JRF (04), PA (01), LT (02) positions in below mentioned research projects. For details of the projects post, essential qualification, fellowship is given below: 

Gujarat Biotechnology Research Centre invites applications from eligible candidates for the following positions:

  • Project Scientist III: 01 Position
  • Research Associate: 12 Positions
  • Junior Research Fellows: 04 Positions
  • Project Associate: 01 Position
  • Project Assistant: 01 Position
  • Lab Technician: 02 Positions

Sr. No. Project Code Project name Desired qualification No. of Post Name of the post Fellowship 

1 GBRC/GOIDBT/TATVAM/2022 Translational Applications for Therapeutics from Veterinary and Allied Microbials (TATVAM) 

1. Ph.D. in Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics/ Biochemistry/ Life science or equivalent degree OR 
2. Having 3 years of experience in research design and development after M.V.Sc/M.Tech in Biotechnology/ Biological Sciences/ Bioinformatics/ Life Sciences/ Molecular Biology with at least one research paper published in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal. 

Experience: In addition to the above, the candidates should have knowledge in cloning and expression of proteins, Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data analysis, bioinformatics, formulation of animal feed and field trials and enzyme based pharmaceutical formulations preparation and testing. 

03 RA 

RA I: Rs. 58,000/- +16% HRA RA II: Rs. 61,000/- + 16% HRA RA III: Rs. 67,000/- + 16% HRA 

2 B.Sc. in Biotechnology/ Bio-informatics/ Biochemistry/ Life science or equivalent degree or Three years diploma in Engineering or Technology 

01 Project Assistant 

Rs. 20,000/- + 16% HRA 

3 - Environmental Surveillance as a key public health strategy in India 

1. Doctoral degree in Science or Master's degree in engineering or technology from a recognized university or equivalent; AND 
Seven years of experience in research and development in industrial and academic institutions or science and Technology Organization and Scientific activities and services 
01 Project Scientist III 

78,000/- + HRA 

1. Post graduate in Biotechnology/ Biological Sciences/ Microbiology/ Bioinformatics with NET/GATE qualification or 
B.Tech/BE in above subjects with NET/GATE qualification and Minimum two years of experience in research and development and scientific activities and services 

01 Project Associate 

Rs. 35,000/- + HRA 5 

B.Sc. in Biotechnology/ Bio-informatics/ Biochemistry/ Life science or equivalent degree or Three years diploma in Engineering or Technology/DMLT with 5 years of experience in reputed laboratory 

02 Lab Technician 

26,000/- + HRA 

6 GSBTM/GBRC/DIR/A MR/2022-23 Networking Program on Antimicrobial Resistance, Superbugs and One Health (AMR) 

1. Ph.D. in Biotechnology/ Biological Sciences/ Bioinformatics/ Life Sciences /Molecular Biology or equivalent degree OR
2. Having 3 years of experience in research design and development after M.V.Sc/ M.Tech in Biotechnology/ Bio-informatics/ Biochemistry/ Life science with at least 1 research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal. OR 
3. M.Sc. in Biotechnology/Biological sciences/ Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics/ Microbiology/ Molecular Biology with 3 years of research design and development experience with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal. 

Experience: Candidate should have research experience in Microbiology, Bioinformatics and Molecular Biology. 

01 RA 

For Research Associate having qualification as mentioned at No 1, 2 Fellowship will be RA I: Rs. 47,000/- +HRA RA II: Rs. 49,000/- + HRA RA III: Rs. 54,000/- + HRA OR For Research Associate having qualification as mentioned at No 3. Fellowship will be RA I: Rs. 37,845/- RA II: Rs. 38,670/- RA III: Rs. 41,850/- (Not entitled for HRA)

7 3425-60-004-04 Genome Editing Facility 

1. Ph.D. in Biotechnology/ Biological Sciences/ Bioinformatics/ Microbiology/ Medical Biotechnology/ Life Sciences / Molecular Biology or equivalent degree OR 
2. Having 3 years of experience in research design and development after M.V.Sc/ M.Tech in Biotechnology/ Bio-informatics/ Biochemistry/ Life science with at least 1 research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal. OR 
3. M.Sc. in Biotechnology/ Biological Sciences/ Bioinformatics/ Microbiology/ Medical Biotechnology/ Life Sciences / Molecular Biology with 3 years of research design and development and experience with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal. 

Experience: Candidates having research experience in cloning, expression, gene and genome editing. 

01 RA 

mentioned at No 3. Fellowship will be RA I: Rs. 37,845/- RA II: Rs. 38,670/- RA III: Rs. 41,850/- (Not entitled for HRA) 

8 GBRC/JD1/MPHb/2022 Mutation profiling of Hemoglobinopathies in Gujarat 

1. Ph.D. in Biotechnology/ Biological Sciences/ Bioinformatics/ Microbiology/ Environmental Biotechnology/ Life Sciences/ Molecular Biology or equivalent degree OR 
2. Having 3 years of experience in research design and development after M.V.Sc/ M.Tech in Biotechnology/ Bio-informatics/ Biochemistry/ Life science with at least 1 research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal. OR
3. M.Sc. in Biotechnology/ Biological Sciences/ Bioinformatics/ Microbiology/ Environmental Biotechnology/ Life Sciences / Molecular Biology with 3 years of research design and development experience with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal. 

Experience: Candidate should have a research experience in Molecular Biology and Genetics. 

01 RA 

9 3425-60-004-04 Genome Editing in Potato 

1. Ph.D. in Biotechnology/ Biological Sciences/ Bioinformatics/ Microbiology/ Environmental Biotechnology/ Life Sciences/ Molecular Biology or equivalent degree OR 2. 
Having 3 years of research design and development experience after M. Tech in Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics /Environmental Biotechnology/ Microbiology/ Molecular Biology with at least 1 research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal. OR 
3. M.Sc. in Biotechnology/ Biological Sciences/ Bioinformatics/ Microbiology/ Environmental Biotechnology/ Life Sciences/ Molecular Biology with 3 years of research design and development and experience with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal. 

Experience: Candidates having research experience in cloning, expression, gene and genome editing. 

01 RA

10 GBRC/JD1/CLM/2022 Pilot Study On Clinical Metagenome: Approach to Detect Causative Agent For Infectious Disease In Human Clinical Sample Through NG

1. Ph.D. in Biotechnology/ Biological Sciences/ Bioinformatics/ Microbiology/ Environmental Biotechnology/ Life Sciences/ Molecular Biology equivalent degree OR 
2. Having 3 years of experience in research design and development after M.V.Sc/ M.Tech in Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics/ Biochemistry/ Life science with at least 1 research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal. OR 
3. M.Sc. in Biotechnology/ Biological Sciences/ Bioinformatics/ Microbiology/ Environmental Biotechnology/ Life Sciences/ Molecular Biology with 3 years of research design and development and experience with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal. 

Experience: Candidate should have a research experience in Microbiology, Bioinformatics and molecular biology

01 RA

11 GBRC/GOGDST/JD2/BS14/2017-18 MetaXtreme: Discovery of novel Hyper thermostable enzymes 

1. Ph.D. in Biotechnology/ Biological Sciences/ Bioinformatics/ Microbiology/ Environmental Biotechnology/ Life Sciences/ Molecular Biology or equivalent degree OR 
2. Having 3 years of research design and development experience after M. Tech in Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics /Environmental Biotechnology/ Microbiology/ Molecular Biology with at least 1 research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal. OR 
3. M.Sc. in Biotechnology/ Biological Sciences/ Bioinformatics/ Microbiology/ Environmental Biotechnology/ Life Sciences/ Molecular Biology with 3 years of research design and development and experience with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal. 

Experience: Candidates having research experience in cloning, expression, gene and genome editing.

01 RA

12 GBRC/GOGDST/JD1/AGR/2017- 18/11 Development of transgenic library for fungal infection in crops 

1. Ph.D. in Biotechnology/ Biological Sciences/ Bioinformatics/ Microbiology/ Environmental Biotechnology/ Life Sciences/ Molecular Biology or equivalent degree OR 
2. Having 3 years of research design and development experience after M. Tech in Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics /Environmental Biotechnology/ Microbiology/ Molecular Biology with at least 1 research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal. OR 
3. M.Sc. in Biotechnology/ Biological Sciences/ Bioinformatics/ Microbiology/ Environmental Biotechnology/ Life Sciences/ Molecular Biology with 3 years of research design and development and experience with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal. 

Experience: Candidates having research experience in cloning, expression, gene and genome editing. 

01 RA 

13 Hybrid Purity Testing 

1. Ph.D. in Biotechnology/ Biological Sciences/ Bioinformatics/ Microbiology/ Environmental Biotechnology/ Life Sciences/ Molecular Biology or equivalent degree OR 
2. Having 3 years of research design and development experience after M. Tech in Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics /Environmental Biotechnology/ Microbiology/ Molecular Biology with at least 1 research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal. OR 
3. M.Sc. in Biotechnology/ Biological Sciences/ Bioinformatics/ Microbiology/ Environmental Biotechnology/ Life Sciences/ Molecular Biology with 3 years of research design and development and experience with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal. 

Experience: Candidates having research experience in NGS data analysis

01 RA

14 GBRC/JD2/SDAB/2022 Development of Camelid single domain antibodies (SdAb) against life threatening pathogens 

1. Ph.D. in Biotechnology/ Biological Sciences/ Bioinformatics/ Microbiology/ Environmental Biotechnology/ Life Sciences/ Molecular Biology or equivalent degree OR 
2. Having 3 years of research design and development experience after M. Tech in Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics /Environmental Biotechnology/ Microbiology/ Molecular Biology with at least 1 research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal. OR 
3. M.Sc. in Biotechnology/ Biological Sciences/ Bioinformatics/ Microbiology/ Environmental Biotechnology/ Life Sciences/ Molecular Biology with 3 years of research design and development and experience with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal. 

Experience: Candidates having research experience in cloning, expression, gene and genome editing.

01 RA

15 GBRC/JD2/SDAB/2022 Development of Cell Culture Protocols for Guggulsterone Production In Commiphora wightii (Arnott) Bhandari 

1. Post graduate in Biotechnology/ Molecular Biology/ Bioinformatics/ Biotechnology/ Microbiology/ Life Sciences with NET qualification or graduate degree in professional course in above subjects with NET qualifications OR 
2. Post graduate degree in Molecular Biology/ Bioinformatics/ Biotechnology/ Microbiology/Life Sciences 

Experience: Candidate should have a research experience in metabolite extraction, LC-MS 

01 JRF

For Junior Research Fellow having desired qualification as per DST, GOI, mentioned at no.1, fellowships will be Rs. 31,000/- + HRA OR For Junior Research Fellow without NET as mentioned at no.2, the fellowship will be Rs. 23,213/- (HRA will be not entitled) 

16 GBRC/GOGDST/JD1/AGR/2017- 18/12-13 Tissue culture protocol of Date palm, Pomegranate, and Guggul 

1. Post graduate in Biotechnology/ Molecular Biology/ Bioinformatics/ Biotechnology/ Microbiology/ Life Sciences with NET qualification or graduate degree in professional course in above subjects with NET qualifications OR 
2. Post graduate degree in Molecular Biology/ Bioinformatics/ Biotechnology/ Microbiology/Life Sciences Experience: Candidate should have a research experience in plant tissue culture 

01 JRF 

17 Genome Editing in Potato

1. Post graduate in Molecular Biology/ Biotechnology/ Microbiology/ Life Sciences with NET qualification or graduate degree in professional course in above subjects with NET qualifications OR 
2. Post graduate degree in Molecular Biology/ Biotechnology/ Microbiology/ Life Sciences 

Experience: Candidates having research experience in cloning, expression, gene and genome editing

01 JRF

18 GSBTM/GBRC/DIR/A MR/2022-23 Networking Program on Antimicrobial Resistance, Superbugs and One Health (AMR) 

1. Postgraduate in Molecular Biology/ Biotechnology/ Microbiology/ Life Sciences with NET qualification or graduate degree in professional course in above subjects with NET qualifications OR 
2. Post graduate degree in Molecular Biology/ Biotechnology/ Microbiology/ Life Sciences 

Experience: Candidate should have a research experience in Microbiology and Molecular Biology 

01 JRF
Last Date for Submission of Online Applications: 10th December, 2024

More Info:

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

SRF at Gujarat


Applications are invited for the position of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) under an ICAR-NASF-funded research project entitled “CRISPR Crop Network: Targeted Improvement of Stress Tolerance, nutritional quality, and Yield of Crops through genome editing.” This position is temporary and co-terminus with the NASF scheme, concluding with either the end of the project or the scheme duration, whichever comes first. Engagement in the project is on a purely contractual basis, contingent on satisfactory performance.

Details regarding qualifications, emoluments, and project duration are as follows:

Last Date of receiving applications: 30/11/2024

Contact Email address (Queries can be put-forward):

Apply Here:

Monday, November 18, 2024

JRF at ICAR, Newdelhi


Division Plant Pathology 
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute 
New Delhi-110 012 

Dated: 08/11/2024 

Walk-in-interview for JRF 

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for recruitment of one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in a SERB funded project on “Decoding the molecular mechanisms of a pathogenicityrelated transcriptional regulator Fow2 of Fusarium oxysporum in vascular wilt of tomato” purely on contractual basis at Division of Plant Pathology, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-12. 

Rs. 31,000+24% HRA per month for 1 st and 2nd yr. and 35,000+24%HRA per month for 3rd year Essential [vide SERB OM No. SB/S9/Z06/2019 dt 23.04.2019] 

Post Graduate Degree in Biotechnology/Molecular Biology/Biochemistry/Plant Biology/Life Sciences selected through a process described through a n y one of the following: 

a. Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility Tests-CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE. 
b. The selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MHRD, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISC, IISER etc. 

Desirable Working experience in molecular biological techniques and works related to proteomics and Bioinformatics 

Eligible candidates may submit their duly filled-in applications in the enclosed proforma along with self-attested scanned copies of the original documents i.e 
a) date of birth certificate 
b) original or provisional certificates and mark sheets from matriculation onwards 
c) NET/equivalent certificate d) proof of experience 
e) publications 
f) no objection certificate from the employer/university, in case they are in employment elsewhere and g) declaration in a SINGLE PDF FILE to latest by 25th November, 2024, 5.30 PM. After screening the applications, ONLY the shortlisted candidates will be called for an ONLINE interview, which will be intimated by e-mail. Upon joining, the selected candidate must produce all the original documents and medical certificates for verification. Concealing of facts or canvassing in any form shall lead to disqualification or termination of such candidates. If any candidate is found to have submitted false claims at a later stage, their candidature will be summarily rejected. 
More Info:

Sunday, November 17, 2024

JRF at Amity University, Noida


Applications invited for Junior Research Fellow at AIVI, Amity University Noida - 05-11-2024 - Adv/AUUP/HR/24/72 

Advertisement Date: 05.11.2024 

Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida 

invites applications for  Amity Institute of Virology and Immunology for Junior Research Fellow    

Name of Post Junior Research Fellow 

Name of Project Development and biological evaluation of the anti-cancer potential of Glucocorticoid Receptor-targeted exosomal formulation 

Name of Sponsoring Agency Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) 

Duration of the Position Appointment will be done initially for one year and will be extended for next one year based on the performance of the candidate. 

Fellowship / Monthly Compensation Rs. 37,000/ per month for the first two years Rs. 40,600/ per month for the third year 

Essential Qualifications M.Sc. in Biological Sciences from a UGC recognized university. The candidate should have meritorious academic record. 

Desirable Qualifications NET/GATE qualified candidates will be preferred. 

Age Limit As per norms   

Interested candidates meeting the above qualifications are requested to send their detailed CV within 15 days of this advertisement through email to with cc to   No TA/ DA will be paid to the candidates for attending the interview.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024



Gujarat International Finance Tec-City,
Gandhinagar, Gujarat 382355

File No. GBU/HR/2023/GAP-19/773 Date: November 10, 2024

Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow

Applications are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to work on research project entitled “Engineering hybrid biological systems for self-sustainable treatment of persistent mobile chemicals in common effluent treatment plant (CETP) wastewater” funded by Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission, Govt. of Gujarat at Gujarat Biotechnology University (GBU). The post is purely temporary and co-terminates with the project.

Details of qualifications, emolument, and duration of the project:

Name of the Position Junior Research Fellow (JRF) (No. of Positions: 01)

Minimum Qualifications: M.Sc. (Biotechnology/Microbiology/Biochemistry or relevant life science discipline) with minimum of 55% marks.

Desirable Qualifications:

•Candidates who have qualified the CSIR-UGC-NET/DBT-JRF/ICMR-JRF/GATE etc. national-level exams will be preferred.
•Candidates having prior experience of handling microbial cultures, microbial consortia development, microbial biodegradation processes, bioreactor engineering, microbial fuel cells, metagenomics, molecular biology techniques and detection of environmental contaminants in wastewater samples through LC-MS/GC-MS are encouraged to apply.
•Candidates must have proficiency in scientific writing.

Age Limit Up to 30 years on closing date of advertisement

Fellowship Duration Till the end of the project.

Fellowship Rs. 36,000 per month inclusive of HRA (NET/GATE or national-level exam qualified candidates) as per GSBTM, DST, GoG guidelines.
Rs. 23,213 (fixed) per month (For candidates who have not qualified the national-level examinations such as NET/GATE) as per GSBTM, DST, GoG guidelines.

Last Date of receiving applications 01/12/2024

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may apply to the Principal Investigator, Gujarat Biotechnology University, Gandhinagar through online application at ( with latest CV and other credentials on or before December 01, 2024. For any queries related to this project you may write to

Shortlisted candidates will be informed through email regarding the interview process.

Dr. Chirayu Desai -Sd-
Principal Investigator Director

Administrative Office: Gujarat Biotechnology University, Near Gujarat International Finance Tec (GIFT)-City, Gandhinagar-382355, Gujarat, India. Website:

Monday, November 11, 2024

JRF at Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani


Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani 
Pilani Campus Grants 


About: Applications are invited from interested and motivated candidates for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in a time bound research project sponsored by the CSIR (37WS(0108)/2023-24/EMR-II/ASPIRE)  for a temporary period purely on contractual basis as per the following details: 

Position: Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to be converted to a PhD position 

Number of Vacancy: 01 

Project Title: "Understanding the therapeutic potential of modulating endoplasmic reticulum ER stress and autophagy in human brain cancer cells undergoing epithelial to mesenchymal transition EMT 

Funding Agency: CSIR-ASPIRE 

Principal Investigator (PI): Dr. Sudeshna Mukherjee, Department of Biological Sciences, Cancer Biology Lab   

Project Tenure: 3 Years 

Job Description: The candidate will study the effect of small molecule inhibitors on modulating autophagy and ER stress on cancer cell metastasis. He/she will also write research papers in indexed journals, conferences, and patents. 

Qualification: First class in Master's Degree with specialization in Biotech/Cancer Biology/Epigenetics/Molecular Biology/Cell Biology/ Nanoscience and Nanotechnology from a recognized University with good knowledge of molecular biology + GATE/NET qualified ONLY  MUST HAVE: GATE/NET  

Desirable: Research experience in handling cell culture and associated molecular biology assay 

Upper Age Limit: Age not exceeding 35 years as of the date of the interview.  

Fellowship:  37,000/- (initially first two years) per month for GATE/NET-qualified candidates.  

Registration for PhD.: Selected candidates may be permitted to register for the PhD program of BITS Pilani subject to fulfilling the requirements of the PhD qualification process as per the institute norms. How to Apply: Applications along with updated CV should be sent through mail to with subject line as – ‘Application for JRF- CSIR Project  Shortlisted candidates will be informed of the interview which will be conducted through online mode. Mere possession of minimum qualification does not guarantee an invitation to the interview. Candidates will be shortlisted based on their merit and as per the requirements of the project.   

Please note that only qualified and suitable candidates will be called for an interview.

Application Deadline: 14th November, 2024

Contact Email:




Advertisement No. 32/JRF/2024-25 

Name of the Project : “National Mission Mode Program on Nutritional Improvement of Digestible Protein Content and Quality in Rice ” (EAP-361) 

Name of the Position : Junior Research Fellow (JRF) 

Rate of remuneration : Rs. 31000/- p.m. + HRA for 1st and 2nd year, Rs. 35000/- p.m. + HRA from 3rd year onwars as per rule 

Essential Qualification : M.Sc. (Ag.) with specialization in Plant Breeding / Plant Biocheimistry / Plant Biotechnology / Genetics / Plant Physiology with 4-5 years Bachelors degree. OR 

Integrated degree of and (5 years) Genetics / Biotechnology / Biochemistry. OR 

M.Sc. in Basic Science (Botany/Life Science/Plant Physiology/Molecular Biology/ Biotechnology /Biochemistry/ Genetics) with NET / GATE qualification OR 

Ph.D. in Botany /Molecular Biology /Biotechnology /Biochemistry/ Genetics / Plant breeding/Life Science. 

Age as on date of interview : 35 years for Men & 40 years for Women 

Job Description : Phenotyping of mapping population and identification and validation of QTLs and associate genes for grain protein and amino acid content and introgression in high yielding rice varieties. 

Date of Interview : 21-11-2024 at 10:00 A.M. 

Duration of the project : Up to 31.03.2025 or till completion of the project whichever is earlier 

Place of posting : NRRI, Cuttack

More Info:

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Project Assistant at Mumbai


ICMR-National Institute for Research in Reproductive and Child Health
Jehangir Merwanji Street, Parel, 
Mumbai 400012 

Walk-in interview will be conducted on 11th Novemmber 2024 for the following temporary vacancy under non-institutional ad-hoc project, to be held at ICMR-National Institute for Research in Reproductive & Child Health, J.M. Street, Parel, Mumbai 400012; Reporting Time: 10.15 AM (Interview Time: 11.00 AM to 01.00 PM). 

Title of project: “Validation of sperm DNA Epimutations as Diagnostic Biomarker for Idiopathic Recurrent Pregnancy Loss” funded by Department of Health Research [Project Tenure: 3 Years; Initial appointment will be for 06 months and further extension will be granted based on performance]. 

Project Assistant 

Rs. 25,400/- (Rs. 20,000/+ 27%HRA) p.m 

Post Graduate degree in Life Sciences / Biotechnology / Zoology / any other relevant area of Biology Experience in Molecular Biology Techniques/ Epigenetic techniques 

30 Years 

More Info:

Project Assistants at ICAR, Newdelhi


Division of Environmental Sciences 
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute-
New Delhi 

Applications are invited for filling the following contractual positions under the following projects: 

1) National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) 
2) South Asian Agriculture Adaptation Atlas: Interconnection between climate Risk, Practices (ACASA) 

The eligible candidates are requested to send their application in the enclosed Performa along with selfattested scanned copy of the original documents to the AAO(Environment Science) e-mail (contact no.- 011-25846359)latest by 24th November 2024 After screening the applications, the eligible candidates will be called by email for the online interview which is fixed tentatively on 1 st December 2024. Original documents will be verified at the time of appointment. If any candidate is found to have submitted false claims at a later stage, their candidature will be summarily rejected. Candidates are requested to give S.No of post(s) applied for as pert this advertisement. One application is sufficient for multiple posts with similar qualifications. 

2. YP II for NICRA project 

Rs.42000/- Consolidated 

Essential: Master’s Degree in Genetics and Plant Breeding/ Genetics/ Plant Breeding/ Biotechnology/Bioinformatics or equivalent with first class or OGPA >7.5 from a recognized university / institution from a recognized university / institution. 

Desirable: Expertise in molecular biology/ Bioinformatics. Working experiences in field/ agriculture crops. 

3. YP II for NICRA project 

Rs.42000/- Consolidated 

Essential: Master’s Degree Microbiology/Agricultural Microbiology/ Biochemistry or equivalent with first class or OGPA >7.5 from a recognized university / institution from a recognized university / institution. 

Desirable: Experience in the areas of Agricultural Microbiology/Biochemistry projects specifically in the field of delivery system of biofertilizers equipments such as fermenter, HPLC, electrophoresis etc. and good knowledge of statistical tools are preferred. 

More Info: